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Setting up a Support Network

Setting up a Support Network

We understand that quitting smoking can be difficult. There’ll be times when you need a little moral support. Having someone to lean on in a moment of weakness could be just the trick to keep you on track. Here are our suggestions for setting up your support network.

  • Look for a Quitting Buddy

    Speak to a friend or work colleague who smokes and see if they want to take up the challenge with you! A quit buddy is more likely to understand what you’re going through than your non-smoking partner or friends. Your buddy will be going through the same emotions, cravings, and difficulties so you’ll have support when you need it.

  • Join a Local Group

    Ask at your local pharmacy or GP practice to see if there are any quit-smoking groups that you could join, or search online for a group in your area.

  • Research a Quit Helpline

    Look online to see if there’s a quit smoking helpline you can phone for expert support and advice.

  • Start a Blog

    Why not start a blog about your quit journey? Regular posts about how you’re progressing will be a great way of sharing your ups and downs and making that commitment will be great motivation for keeping it going!

Products to Help You Quit for Good

Myths about Nicotine & NRT

Myths about Nicotine & NRT

Worried about nicotine dependence? Think going cold turkey is the most effective way to quit? Get informed so you can plan your quit properly.


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