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Myths about Nicotine & NRT

Myths about Nicotine & NRT

Many believe that it is as dangerous to use nicotine replacement products as it is to smoke. In fact, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can help you achieve your quit smoking goal by preventing cravings for cigarettes while avoiding the hazardous chemicals in cigarettes. There are many other myths about nicotine replacement therapy. Here are 4 common myths and the truth behind them.

  • Myth 1: Nicotine replacement therapy is as harmful as smoking

Cigarettes are a well-known cause of cancer, heart disease, and many other diseases. It is the toxins in cigarette smoke that cause most of these adverse effects not the nicotine. 

  • Myth 2: Nicotine replacement therapy products are as addictive as smoking

Using NRT is not trading one nicotine addiction for another because the likelihood of long-term dependence on NRT is low. On top of this, the nicotine present in NRT products reaches the brain much more slowly than when smoking a cigarette, making NRT considerably less addictive.

  • Myth 3: Nicotine replacement therapy does not work

It has been shown that NRT can double a smoker’s chance of quitting for good*. In fact, often, the reason why people fail to quit with NRT is because they either don’t use enough of it or don’t use it properly. Get information on how to use NICORETTE® in our product pages.
*compared to quitting with willpower alone

  • Myth 4: Nicotine replacement therapy is expensive

Some believe that NRT is too expensive, but when you compare it to the cost of smoking, it might surprise you! If you use up to 10 NICORETTE® gums a day, it will cost you €2.58 per day*, whereas an average pack of 20 cigarettes costs €14.
*based on a 210 pack of NICORETTE® 2mg gum costing €54.24, suitable for smokers of 20 or less cigarettes per day. Maximum 15 pieces of gum per day.

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